This past spring break fifteen students from the Bellevue School District in the CISCO
Networking Academy program traveled to Istanbul, Turkey to help wire computers and build networks in nine different schools and a hospital for the handicapped.
For almost two weeks, kids were able to meet other Turkish students and learn about Istanbul's history while helping to set up computers and networks. These students were also able to get the real Turkish experience and by living with Turkish families during the trip. Overall, this trip was a major success.
This website details specific aspects of the trip. Here, you can find out about the participants, the trip itself, and future trips. Check back for further updates and details.
This project was made successful by affiliations with other groups, such as the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club and computer donations from Microsoft, Nintendo, and the Bellevue School District. Cisco charity LAN parties were sponsored by Valve Software, Sahara Pizza, Safeway, QFC, and Newcastle Quiznos, We are looking forward to future projects with more students, computers, and fun!