We made it! Here is our team. From left to right Shawn, Souri, Kevin, Amanda, Jaxon Enoch, Bruno, Govi, Robbie, and Aafant |
John and Jan Martinka. John is past president of the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club and Jan is a member of the Kirkland Rotary Club. John and Jeff have led teams to all parts of the world since 2004. |
Cynthia Bixby and Alex Modelski. Alex has led multiple teams to Slovakia, Turkey and Antigua. |
Cynthia, Jan and Tracy Green. Tracy is a Culinary CTE teacher at Newport and has led teams to Antigua in 2017. |
Rotary House! This is our home base and area where we stage. Every day at 8:30 we all meet here and divide up. Govi is taking her team pelican case to be inventoried. |
Organized chaos. Here Govi and Amanda are doing inventory with Aafant, Jaxon and Robbie doing inventory in the back with Alex, Jeff, and Cordel Josiah determining schedule and team placement. |
Shawn finishing inventory with Jaxon lisening in on the planning meeting. |
Jeff and Cordel planning out locations. |
Here Govi's team (Aafant, Enoch, and Amanda with Alex as a driver) are getting ready to go. One thing to note on these projects. The teams are actually led by students with the adults chaperoning them. The adult team leaders do not make critical decisions. This is an amazing leadership opportunity for students to run their own teams and make their own decisions on how to design, setup and implement labs in a real-world environment. |
Jaxon peeks oin on Bruno, Robbie, and Tracy. |
Robbie is the star as he carries a box to the updated computer lab. |
Bruno creating new ethernet cables for a new lab being built. |
Jaxon and Robbie with dozens of new admirers. |
Home Part 2 |